The proportion of people working from home has shot up since 2020 and for many that means the amount of daily movement and exercise has plummeted. Stiff backs, sore shoulders, and headaches have become more common – along with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Many have become acutely aware of the need to stay fit and healthy, but struggle to juggle that with home working and in many cases, home-schooling too.
Since the lockdown began in 2020, I’ve been working with more and more corporate clients to offer bespoke online yoga classes to their teams. These sessions range from simple mindful yoga, to correcting postural habits, breathing exercises to reduce anxiety and stress, and tension releasing exercises - some of which can even be practiced in a chair or during a meeting!
There is something lovely about being able to bring colleagues together (often from a variety of geographic locations), and help them step away from the stress of the working day to get moving, and mindfully reconnect with their bodies. Once restrictions lift I’ll be taking some of these sessions back into the ‘real’ world, but I’ll be continuing to offer online sessions too, for those who prefer to work remotely.